
Showing posts from December, 2017

Winter Home Decor Ideas

By Olivia Flores There are people who change the interior design of their home every season. The home décor that looks great in summer might not be comfortable in winter. Curtains, upholsteries, throws, pillows and carpets with soothing color, retractable awnings and canopies, illuminants with lesser intensity and a light fragrance make the interior soothing in summer; however, the same design might make you feel lonely and blue in winter. Decorating Ideas for The Winter In winter, a different profile might go well with the mood. As the mercury level continues to slide down, freezing wind flows around, tress shade leaves and snow takes the control over roads and gardens, people start to feel low and depressed. Try changing the interior design of your home to survive the winter blues. Take a special approach to decorate your home during winter. As nature goes grey and cold, it's wise to pick a bright hue for your interior. You do not need to consult a professional interior d

Home Decoration Ideas With a Feel-Good Factor

By Rob Sherman When the days draw in and the cold winds of winter start to blow, it may feel like there's not much you can do except hunker down and wait for spring to come. A bracing afternoon walk with the dog may be a good way to boost the mood with a bit of exercise, but sometimes the prospect of coming home is what's best of all. Here are some home decorating ideas to create a warm and inviting sanctuary that will make you feel cozy and lift your spirits. In your living room : when it's cold outside, it's easy to start fantasizing about a real fire in the hearth -- and the prospect of watching the flames leaping in the fireplace or stove is almost as warming as the real thing! It's a simple job to change the layout of your living room furniture to frame this focal point of the room to maximum effect. Add a woolly area rug, some ultra soft sofa cushions and maybe a luxurious throw and you have the ingredients necessary for snuggling up in front of the TV o

Finding The Right Unique Home Decor Accessories

By Jason Bell Interior Designers If you have no prior experience, simply contact a professional interior designer. With years of extensive industry experience, designers have the tools and expertise you seek. Not only do they stay abreast of all the latest market trends and changes, they can help you secure furniture and accessories at great prices. This is especially true if looking for captivating and compelling home decorating ideas on a budget. Many designers also network with local showroom galleries, along with retail furniture stores and outlets. These professionals also have the skills to effectively match your existing home decor. This includes selecting the right appliances, tables, desks, and even floral arrangements for your new or current home. Home Decor Magazines Another option is to check trade publications. This includes magazines, along with pamphlets and other industry related materials. These are great resources to find design and furnishing ideas. Furthermore,

Christmas Time - A Season Of Memories

By Eva Fry Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Christmas is one of the happiest seasons of our life. It gathers us together as families, where we create special loving traditions and so many loving memories. We all have special remembrances of Christmas's past. I would like to share with you some of my memories. Christmas has changed for me through the years. I am a grandma now and enjoy special Christmas's with my grown children and their families. I watch them create lasting memories for their little ones. I am reminded of those happy times when my precious children were still home with us and of the Christmas's we had Together. How I miss those special times. My song "Christmas Wish" says what is in my heart. If I could have one Christmas wish, I'd go back in time, When our children all were young and they were home with us. We'd decorate the house with lights, put up the Christmas tree
  CHASBY'S CORNER VOL. III AUTUMN ACROSS THE GREAT USA  Hello again, chas here. Yes it is fall time again. For many the most fabulous season of the year. With nature's paintbrush working overtime to bring us the most splendid landscape pictures. It is also time for apple cider & pumpkin picking, filling the pantry and freezer shelves,end of season yard work,and buttoning down the homestead for the winter ahead. Friday night lights, college football, The World Series and Nascar playoffs. Children are on a sugar high before any candy is eaten, in anticipation of their favorite night of Spooky Frightful Creepy Halloween. AAAH FALL   BUT  autumn time isn't all that great for countless other people. Everything I mentioned above is shear torture for so many. Whether or not they will have enough to eat, how will the non-stopping bills get paid, keeping warm ( especially here in the Northeast) and the list goes on just like the scenic pictures Nature has pai