Hello again, chas here. Yes it is fall time again. For many the most fabulous season of the year. With nature's paintbrush working overtime to bring us the most splendid landscape pictures. It is also time for apple cider & pumpkin picking, filling the pantry and freezer shelves,end of season yard work,and buttoning down the homestead for the winter ahead. Friday night lights, college football, The World Series and Nascar playoffs. Children are on a sugar high before any candy is eaten, in anticipation of their favorite night of Spooky Frightful Creepy Halloween. AAAH FALL

 BUT  autumn time isn't all that great for countless other people. Everything I mentioned above is shear torture for so many. Whether or not they will have enough to eat, how will the non-stopping bills get paid, keeping warm ( especially here in the Northeast) and the list goes on just like the scenic pictures Nature has painted for us. 

This is where we all can do something to help lesson those fears and shortcomings of all these people who have done nothing wrong except get on the other end of the good luck streak. It is called VOLUNTEERING. It does not need to come out of the wallet, however if one has the means, no charitable  organization will say no to cash.  It does not have to be a lot of your time. So much can be done with just a couple of hours a week.Yes one can be a volunteer firefighter, [where would we be without them] and have countless hours tied up in training, fundraising, and emergency calls. That goes the same for the ambulance crew, Red Cross, and any disaster relief teams. Just look at what the forest fire teams have been through this year. The list goes on.  It does take a compassion to help - that's all. Check out the non-profit organizations in your area. I believe you would be able to find a good number of them that would appreciate having you help them out for whatever time span you can afford.

 You may ask why bother, I don't have the time, why get involved? Ask any volunteer for the answer to that. The answer many give is "I GET BACK SO MUCH MORE THAN I PUT IN"
My wife and I have been volunteering for our local Meals On Wheels since we retired. ( Myself, I was a volunteer fireman at age 18) Words do not do justice on the inner peace one gets from helping someone in need. It can be as little as a phone call to a shut-in neighbor, just to say hi, just checking on you Extra cookies you made delivered to them. Years ago we experienced a Labor Day storm that knocked out power for days. We had an elderly lady down the street, whose front tree had ripped the power meter off her house when it went over. Being a very private person, she had not shown herself much in the neighborhood, always kept to herself. I did not even know her name at the time. She was sitting on her porch with all kinds of thoughts going through her mind. We approached her with some food we had prepared on the grill., and some hot coffee. I still can remember the biggest smile and the change in her eyes that we gave her when we introduced ourselves and told her we brought her some hot food. Cost us much- not at all, we were going to have to eat everything in the freezer or toss it out anyway. But it met the world to her that someone went out of their way to help her. We became very close to her after that. Just a simple gesture brought on a close friendship.

 So as the holiday seasons come upon us, look to what you might do to help someone that needs it.
Schools, churches, soup kitchens, communities ,Salvation Army, and countless other organizations love volunteers as we do at the Meals on Wheels Kitchen Just take the first step and call. With so much funding being cut for all organizations, you will be surprised what a little from you can mean  to so many. Try it and I guarantee you will be saying "I GET BACK SO MUCH MORE THAN I PUT IN"

Here at Chasby's Home Decor Toys & More we would like to hear back from you once you make that call and experience the look and satisfaction of helping out.

May your Autumn Colors be Bright and all your journeys be safe . ENJOY



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